Quality Outdoor Art Plaques
Visit us at our retail store located in Kitchen Kettle Village Intercourse PA. Hours: Monday – Saturday 9 am – 5 pm Phone 717-929-0320
Beautiful plaques that really do last outside, in rain and direct sunlight!
We offer this Fine Art look by digital printing, which allows for more detailed designs. We use laminated outdoor aluminum plaques that are 1/4” thick. A photograph is taken of our artwork, the picture is then printed directly on the plaque with a grand format UV printer. It is protected with clear coat that has ultra violet protection which assures that the plaque will hold up well in rain and direct sunlight for many years. We have now upgraded from hand painted slate to durable aluminum welcome plaques.
The beauty and the durability of our high-quality plaques and the new designs we add every year, keep our customers coming back again and again.